Thursday, May 2, 2013

Number System (Fraction Number Conversion)

Hope you have gone through Number System (Decimal Number Conversion)
and have a good Idea. Now let's look how the fractions are converting to binary and octal.

Fraction to Binary

Examples for fraction numbers are 123.525, 12.123. When converting these numbers first we take the fraction part and multiply it by 2. The portion which is come before decimal point write it as it is. then write it from up to bottom. see the example.

example 1:- 0.0625



example 2 : - 121. 8125


Fraction to Octal

As in binary convertion the fraction part is multiply by 8. See the Example.

Example :- 0.3125


Example :- 121.84375



  1. Good Job sir. Please update this as much as possible. Specially python programming.
    Thank you very much sir.

  2. Thank you very much Good job


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